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giovedì 26 maggio 2016

Stiforp the best in the world by paying more 
Stiforp (the opposite of Profits) is a perfect Network Marketing for those who did not want to find Ref as to enter in his downline, or for lack of time or because you do not want to commit that much, since it is based on a multilevel rail with Forced matrix 2 × 14.

It means that if you do not have any desire to commit or because you have no time to lose, or because not having your own website or blog, think you can not put other referrals under you, you must not worry, because we just think Forced matrix Stiforp to enter below automatically you new members, the 'important that you result a member duly registered and active.
As I said above is a Forced Matrix 2 × 14 which means that thanks to your subscribers over you, once the system will complete all your business you will earn $ 2,047.50 per month, without writing NOBODY EVER!Clearly this speech only applies to those who do not commit that much, or because they are unwilling, or for lack of time, or for other reasons, but at the same time want to earn a salary of $ 2,047.50 per month Extra note.I do not know if you are among them, but if you have the time, desire, determination and the right motivation for this kind of Network Marketing, just sign up at least 2 people and your income can be up to $ 8,191.50 per month.But Click on this button and you will have much more information, Sign up now for FREE!I remind you that it is just a Pre-registration!

You can easily do a Pre-registration, without any obligation and completely FREE !, so we guarantee you your position and start receiving under you all subscribers who sign up after you, and all this you can see in real time once in writing, in your Powerline by the Company Momentum page.What aspects become a member today and see how easy it is to start building your business, WITHOUT EVER! invite anyone.This is the right time to get into Stiforp and to register (as Members).Every day they enroll about 250 people and more than 10,000 are pre-enroll.A part of these people can get in your business and you will be able to arrive very quickly to Passive Income of $ 2,047.50 per month.Every day, every hour there are people who sign up and they can help you grow your business, but only if now blocks your position.Before the blocks and you have more chances to gain.Stiforp over other Network offers you many FREE products! 's important that you be an Active Member, here they are in detail:
  1. Interactive Flash Movie Presentations
  2. Explode Your Business with Email Marketing!
  3. Video Spokesperson on Your Site
  4. Lead Capture Pages
  5. Autoresponders
  6. Contact Manager
  7. Traffic Rotator
  8. Conference Call Bridges
  9. Webinars
  10. Phone Burner
  11. 123Employee Virtual Assistant
Companies other more or less similar for all these products they charge up to $ 3000, in STIFORP are FREE! just be an ACTIVE MEMBER!Besides these products, you can also use them to promote your other BUSINESS is truly AMAZING!You can also take advantage of a compensation plan very convenient for you that you are an active member and you want to make money very quickly, but even if you're not an Active Member, why not have the time to dedicate to STIFORP or not you're made to recruit others , you can get to the tidy sum of $ 2,047.50 per month, BUT NEVER ENTERED ONE PERSON! EXCEPTIONAL!In STIFORP you have two categories of earnings, (category A and category B) as you can see below:CATEGORY A - Active Member You can Earn from:

Powerline Bonuses
 Stiforp you Pay (only one time when you register)

- $ 2 - for each Member Direct
- $ 1 - for those from the 2nd level
- $ 1 - for those from 3rd level

Fast Start Bonuses

Stiforp pays
- $ 25 - for each direct member (if you sign up 10 people / week = $ 250 / week)
- $ 2 - for the 'inclusion of the Second Generation (people registered by your direct)
- $ 1 - for the 'inclusion of the Third Generation (people registered from your Second Generation)
- $ 1 - for 'enrollment of 4 Star Infinity Override (if you have reached that threshold)
- $ 1 - for the 'inclusion of the 5 Star Infinity Override (if you have reached that threshold)
 Fast Start Bonuses 3 Star PLUS 

Stiforp pays
- $ 25 - for the 'recognition of each member annually PLUS (gains a double Fast Start Bonus, basically $ 25 more, for a total of $ 50 for each member who signs up at annual PLUS or doing the' from monthly updates to annual PLUS even if you're not 3 Star Plus)

Matrix Commissions

Stiforp pays you (the 1st Wednesday of the month - every month)
- $ 2,047.50 - as a distributor and as a 1 star on 12 levels of income (for those who qualify in their matrix)
- $ 4,095.50 - as a 2 star on 13 levels of income (for those who qualify in their matrix)
- $ 8,191.50 - as a 3 Star 3 Star PLUS 4 Star and 5 Star on 14 levels of income (for those who qualify in their matrix) 

Matching Bonuses

Stiforp pays you (monthly) for- 1 Star - Earn 50% of the earnings of your direct- 2 Star - Earn 50% of the earnings of your direct and 20% of the gain from the 2nd level- 3 Star and 3 Star PLUS - Earn 50% of the earnings of your direct 20% of the gain from the 2nd level and 10% of the gain from the 3rd level- 4 Star - Earn 50% of the earnings of your direct 20% of the gain from the 2nd level 10% of the gain from the 3rd level and 5% of the gain from the 4th level- 5 Star - Earn 50% of the earnings of your direct 20% of the gain from the 2nd level 10% of the gain from the 3rd Level 5% of the gain from the 4th level and 3% of the gain from the 5th levelCATEGORY B - Liabilities member can Earn from:All Members Members in chronological order after you, who have entered the system Forced Matrix.WARNING!This is not to say that all those people that are in the Company Momentum will enter your Matrix, that's just an informative figure that shows how many people came after you in the system, MUST NOT CONFUSE!This is a Forced Matrix 2 × 14 that works in this way:1-1 × 2 = 22-2 × 2 = 43 - 4 × 2 = 84-8 × 2 = 165-16 × 2 = 326-32 × 2 = 647-64 × 2 = 1288-128 × 2 = 2569-256 × 2 = 51210-512 × 2 = 102411-1024 × 2 = 2,04812-2048 × 2 = 4096A Member Passive Earn $ 0.25 by all people registered registered in the system Forced Matrix (as above) but only up to the 12th level.But enough words, Pre-Register NOW! and discover the great potentiality of STIFORP Click on this button for Pre-Enroll for FREE!
For more clarification regarding Stiforp, in much more detail, look at this VIDEO:

sabato 13 febbraio 2016

The charm of the network, earn money now

The charm of the network, to know many people, feeling always say the same things, I have no money, do not care, I have no time. It this is the most exciting part of the negatives of the people, then we insist, we find interesting and teaching. Know that your every no is our will, it is because you have still experienced a real true and great revenue opportunities, even without doing anything. We Universal Team group Stiforp we are still your friends or even acquaintances, colleagues, we are always around you

domenica 10 gennaio 2016

Why take this road to success with Universal Team Stiforp Profits

Some people quit a job to earn more money elsewhere. Some quit their jobs for a better opportunity.
And some quit a job to start their own business, which to me is the best reason of all. (Keep in mind there are compelling reasons to hang on to your full-time job as long as you can while you get your startup going, which is at least initially easy since you can start a company in just a few hours.)
But there are a number of other reasons to quit your job, all falling under one main premise:
Life is just too short.
Life’s too short to go home every day feeling unfulfilled. Life’s too short to work for a terrible boss. Life’s too short to go home every day feeling taken for granted, feeling taken less than seriously, or feeling taken advantage of.

Life’s too short to not be as happy as you can be.
Say your grown daughter called and said, “I hate my job. I’m bored, frustrated, and feel like I’m going nowhere.” Wouldn’t you tell her to look for another job?
Shouldn’t you follow the same advice?
Here are reasons to stop being miserable and start looking for something better:
1. Your boss manages his or her boss, not you.
You know the type: As a leader, she should focus her time and attention on her direct reports, but she spends all her time “following” her boss. It seems like your only job is to contribute to the greater glory — and advancement — of your boss.
A great boss knows that if her team succeeds — and each individual on that team succeeds — then she will succeed too.
Life’s too short to spend your time developing your boss’s career at the expense of your own.
2. Your ideas are disregarded or even ignored.
Everyone has ideas. And everyone loves when his or her ideas are taken seriously — and implemented. The feeling that you’ve contributed in a special way is incredibly gratifying.
But when your boss or company shoots down or even laughs at your ideas, it’s not only insulting, it’s demotivating. And pretty soon you stop caring.
Life’s too short not to care.
3. You get criticized in public.
We all need constructive feedback. We all need a little nudge. We all need to be told when we can do something better — and how to do it better.
But we need to be told those things in private.
Life’s too short to walk around waiting for the next time you’ll be criticized — and even humiliated — in front of other people.
4. You’re never told, “Thanks.”
Everyone also needs praise. We all need to know when we do something well (and everyone, even a poor performer, does some things well).
Life’s too short not to be recognized for the contributions you make.
5. You feel like you have no purpose.
Everyone likes to feel a part of something bigger. Everyone likes to feel he has an impact not just on results but also on the lives of other people.
Life’s too short to go home every day feeling like you’ve worked, but you haven’t accomplished anything meaningful.
6. You feel like a number.
Everyone is replaceable. Everyone, ultimately, works for a paycheck. But people also want to work for more than a paycheck. They want to work with people they respect and admire, and they want to be respected and admired in return.
If your boss doesn’t occasionally stop for a quick discussion about family, an informal conversation to see if you need any help, or simply to say a kind word, then you’re just a cog in a larger machine.
Life’s too short to only be a cog in a larger machine.
7. You aren’t even a tiny bit excited to go to work.
Every job has its downsides. (I’m willing to bet even Richard Branson has to do a few things he doesn’t enjoy.) But every job should also have some fun moments. Or exciting moments. Or challenging moments. Or some aspect that makes you think, “I’m looking forward to doing that.”
Life’s too short to spend only looking forward to quitting time.
8. You don’t see a future.
Every job should lead to something: hopefully a promotion, but if not, the opportunity to take on additional responsibilities, learn new things, tackle new challenges. Tomorrow should have the potential to be different — in a good way — from today.
A decent boss works to improve the company’s future. A good boss works to improve her employees’ futures, too, even if — especially if — that might mean some of those employees will eventually move on to bigger and better things.
Life’s too short to live without hope.
9. No one shares your dreams.
Countless companies were started by two or more people who at one time worked together and realized they had complementary skills — and realized they wanted to carve out a new future together.
If you plan to be an entrepreneur, working for a big company first is one of the best things you can do: It’s a risk-free environment where you can meet future colleagues and co-founders. Pick a dozen companies at random and you’ll find at least a few that were founded by aspiring entrepreneurs who met as co-workers and went on to launch an awesome business together.
Life’s too short to spend working with people who don’t share your hopes, dreams, and passions.
10. You’re convinced you can’t do anything else.
That’s the best reason of all to quit your job. I know what you’re thinking: “I make too much in my current job; I’ll never find something comparable.” Or, “There just aren’t any jobs where I live.” Or, “I’ve put too much time into this company (or career or industry).”
Or, “I don’t have what it takes to start my own business.”
All those things are true — if you let them be true.
You can do something else. You can do lots of something “elses.”
You just have to believe — and trust that your creativity, perseverance, and effort will take you to new, happier, and more fulfilling places. Thousands of people start their own businesses ever year. The only difference between you and them? They decided to take the chance. They decided to bet on themselves.
They decided that life’s too short to just stay where they are instead of doing everything possible to live a better life.
11. You’re tired of having your future capped.
Work for a salary and no matter how well you perform, you can only make that salary. Work for someone else and you can only earn what it’s decided you’re “worth.”
Work for yourself and your earnings are only limited by your creativity, drive, perseverance, and talent.
Money isn’t everything — but if you have to work, don’t you want that work to pay off to the greatest extent possible? Life’s too short to have your financial future determined by other people.
Go out and find out what you’re really worth — both financially and in your ability to make a difference in other people’s lives.

Enter now in our group of international success
 Universal Team Stiforp Profits

The secret is starting to get going.

The secret is starting to get going
Welcome in our international group Universal Team, this is the real business, paying for 4 years, comfortable enough to want to find only 2 pax and teach them to find other 2, or you can wait at the window and with a little more time anyway the gains will come. I suggest you do the annual monthly and not the formula, however qulsiasi for what are at its disposal, I can help you find other affiliates shaping it for good and show her many strategies fast.

Some video official Stiforp

English Version

STIFORP Credit Wallet (Training Video)


Personalized Landing Pages


MyTools Part1 Edited

What is Unlimited Prospecting for Free and Why do it?

What to do with your Prospects Once you have them

Stiforp Faststart Training with (MD) Marques Brigham and Dr. Shay Brigham

Stiforp Mobile

Stiforp Tools Training #2


I look from him and I leave my contacts.

giovedì 7 gennaio 2016

Webmaster: the most used methods to make money with the internet today are easy with Universal Team Stiforp

How to earn money online? Certainly, in recent years, more and more people want to know how to earn money with internet. Probably, this is because it is increasingly difficult to find a job, or he who finds it earns less than before.
In any case, whatever the reasons for this growing interest in the web as a financial resource, methods to earn money online are definitely a real alternative to create a good return or to integrate one low. Also, the great thing is that the Internet allows you to work from home when you want, where you want and at any time (morning, afternoon, night).
Since you're reading this article, chances are that you are looking for a way to make money with Internet. Here you will find bread for your teeth because, at the bottom, you have listed the best known system for making money with the internet.
No denying it, the web there are many charlatans and so it is important to be alerted to all those methods that not only earn, but are actually scams that can only make you lose time and money (as, for example, the various chains St. Anthony that unfortunately there are also online).
Today we'll help you to give you this great opportunity to earn money online, a very inexpensive, legal, and above all simple and convenient for everyone.
Webmaster even doing nothing, it is thanks to our international team of Universal Stiforp Profits, just do the pre-registration free, without obligation, then will yourself to really understand this fabulous opportunities offered by the web, here's your invitation link goes right